Notes on awards eligibility in 2024

This year, I published one very short story, and one novel.
I'd be happy to see my short story "The Investigation Is Sealed", published in issue 44 of Pulp Literature, nominated for any awards, if you are so moved.
I also published a novel this year, The Tapestry of Time. It has not come out in print in the U.S. yet (that will happen in June 2025), but it was published in audio and ebook in the U.S. on Dec. 23, 2024. It's available in print, ebook and audiobook in the rest of the world.
Since it was published in Canada in 2024, it is eligible for the Aurora award this year. However, as I have had the great fortune to win the Aurora Award for Best Novel three times, in 2019, 2023 and 2024, I'd rather celebrate other writers and other books on the ballot this year. I'd love to be back on Aurora ballots in the future if that happens; I just want to make sure not to use all the air in the room with back-to-back nominations.
When it comes to any other awards, I would be thrilled to see The Tapestry of Time nominated if you're inclined to do so. Although I have been nominated for other awards in the past, the Aurora is the only one I have won so far, so I don't have the same concerns about taking up space when it comes to other awards.
(N.B. An earlier version of this post explained that Tapestry would not be eligible for the Nebulas because it wasn't coming out in the U.S. until 2025, but that changed when my US publisher, Harper360, decided to bring out the ebook and audiobook in December rather than next year.)
Thank you and please vote for what you love this year.