
Some of the anthologies and journals where my work has appeared. Not in any kind of order.

Here are some of the short works of fiction I’ve had published, or that are coming soon.

in audio


“The Investigation Is Sealed”, Pulp Literature, Issue 44, Autumn 2024. About 800 words. An alchemist investigates a mining disaster at the behest of corporate ownership.



  • In a Hansom Cab at the Liberty Street Ferry Terminal”, in the New Decameron Project, May 2020, 3,000 words. The Age of Innocence with flower magic.
  • “Remember Madame Hercules” in On Spec, issue 113, April 2020. 4,600 words. Middle-aged female journalists as superheroes in WWII Montreal.




  • “Not Valid for Spain” in 49th Parallels: Alternative Canadian Histories and Futures, ed. Hayden Trenholm. 2,000 words. Robots in the Spanish Civil War.
  • Something On Your Mind?” a collaborative story with eight other authors, corralled by Gareth D Jones, at Kaleidotrope. Science fiction. 5,500 words.
  • Ad Infinitum” at Daily Science Fiction, June 2, 2017. Rebuilding their ships, rebuilding themselves. Science fiction. 1,200 words.
  • I Know All of His Names” at Liminal Stories. May 1, 2017. Every story needs a monster and I make a very serviceable one. Dark historical fantasy. 2,000 words.






  • “We Take Care of Our Own” in Blood and Water, edited by Hayden Trenholm, from Bundoran Press, August 2012. (4,770 words) Available in print or as an e-book. In 2041, a Canadian woman risks her business and her relationship with her teenage son to smuggle food over the American border.

before that

  • “152” in Departures (chapbook anthology, above/ground press, June 2008)
  • “Bleach” in The Puritan, fall 2007
  • “Antipode” in In Our Own Words, vol. 6 (anthology), 2005
  • “Skin” in Slow Trains (online), fall 2004
  • “Fog” in The New Quarterly, winter 2004
  • “Pigeons” in Another Toronto Quarterly (online), fall 2003